Saturday, January 15, 2011

Home again - at last

Dear Family and Friends,

Today, Sherri went home! For this continued forward progress, Wendy and I especially give thanks to God!!!

This past week, Sherri continued to walk the halls and currently remains using both crutches. And yesterday, she made her way down to the car to practice getting in and out of the car. Arrangements have been made to begin outpatient physical therapy beginning Monday morning at 10. She's all set with crutches, a wheelchair, a bathtub chair. Marty and Gwen Connor installed a new shower head for Sherri that will be of great help. And prescriptions were filled for pain meds for the next part of the journey.

Today's "going home" events included packing up the final items in her hospital room and then traveling over to her apartment with Wendy driving. Finding a spot to park and navigate the short walk in was a bit challenging with the foot or more of snow that fell earlier this week.

Sherri's apartment-mates were so helpful (and have been all through these days and weeks) and Kristene flew up again from DC to be with Sherri for the weekend. Among the many differences between hospital life and apartment life is the temperature: hospitals are warm (some would say down right hot) and New England apartments can be quite chilly! But a tasty carry-in Thai dinner helped to dispel the chilly weather.

The week ahead will include many physical therapy sessions and continued strengthening at Sherri's apartment. And Wendy and Sherri will need to find some shoes that will fit over the polypropylene brace on her left foot. These will be days of transition to the new normal. Of course finding the new normal doesn't mean actually arriving at a certain destination does it? Isn't it really a life long process with all manner of circumstances along the way?

As Wendy and I reflect on the past month, we've been sharing together about the road ahead and wondering about Sherri's event of December 11. We've been grateful for what we see as God's tremendous faithfulness throughout this particular journey. Sometimes I've had a few of those 'why' questions. I've noted some parallel stories in a book I've been reading by Kelly Monroe Kullberg "Finding God Beyond Harvard". I think she got it right when she said she continued to "find reasons to believe that both the Author and the story were good, even when things were dark in the moment."

Today begins another new chapter for Sherri. Again, thanks to each and every one for your continued checking in on Sherri. She's expressed how appreciative she is - even if she's not able to get back to everyone. Thanks for continuing to be there for the long haul!!

I hope to update again in a week or so, give or take. Your continued faithful prayers are sought and deeply valued.




  1. Sherricita, this is such good news! I am happy to see you beginning this new chapter in your recovery process and moving forward. We are constantly thinking about you, praying for you and thanking God for you. You are a huge inspiration on perseverance, thrive, and strong determination. Just know that we love you very much and will continue lifting you up in every area of your life! Many blessings! Nietos

  2. It's great news that Sherri is home! We continue to pray for Sherri and your family as you go through this difficult time. Praise God for all of the healing that has taken place thus far! We are encouraged by the incredible perseverance Sherri has demonstrated enabling her to make the significant progress she has so far. We are praying for God to continue to give Sherri the emotional, physical, and spiritual strength to continue on the path to full restoration!
