Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Sherri Update and Request

A Sherri Update and Request

To my lovely friends and family who have patiently listened to (or read) me babble about my recovery every  several months:

Two and a half weeks ago marks a year from my last surgery.  On April 15th, 2011, I remember wondering if the nerve surgery I was about to receive would bring me to walk normally again.  At the time, I couldn’t lift my left foot and needed to wear a brace to assist with the foot drop.  I remember trying to set my expectations to be hopeful but practical.  That day I also had nine four-inch screws removed from my knees.  After months of having my IT band rub against them when I bent my knees, I can’t explain how wonderful it felt to have them out of my body.  

In so many ways this feels like ages ago.  A dream even.  To quickly recap – a few short weeks after my surgery, I began to slightly move my foot upwards.  Up until that point every morning I would wake up, look down at my feet, and concentrate as hard as I could to raise the left one.  I vividly remember the first morning that it moved...  I thought I was imagining it at first. The rush of hope through my body was amazing.  Shortly after I changed braces (to a smaller brace that allowed me to wear the same size shoe on both feet!) and not long after that, I was braceless! And, my knees felt great without the screws.

So what is going on now, over a year later?  To celebrate how fortunate I feel, I’ve decided to do a triathalon - a month from today!!  Okay, so it’s a little triathalon: 5k run, 10 mile bike ride, and ⅓ mile swim.  But it’s a huge deal for me!  a) because of all my body has been through over the past year and a half, and b) because I literally hadn’t run a mile since I realized (probably around 4th grade) that I could actually walk the “mile run” in grade school.  Sherri Lane = not a runner.  But I started training about a month ago and am really making headway!  Full disclosure, I may not be able to run the whole 5k because of my knees, but my goal is to finish - pushing myself as hard as I can without screwing up any progress (no pun intended, hehe).

Regardless, it’s a fun challenge!  And I’ve decided to do it for a cause.  Many of you have already been so generous to give to one of the two organizations I spend time working/volunteering for (Accion and AMIGOS), and I in no way am writing to put pressure on you to give more if you are not interested!  BUT :) for those of you who are itching for a good cause and a compelling story (and have a few bucks lying around to share), I think I have a good idea for you:

My good friend Kendra Harrison has put a lot of heart and work into the orphanage “The Hogar Infantíl Visitación De Jesús” in the rural area of San Jose de las Matas, Dominican Republic.  This orphanage was founded by Kendra’s friend Rosa Núñez, who gained her experience working with children for 9 years in another orphanage.  While working for the other orphanage, Rosa learned of 2 children, Manuel (15) and Jordalisa (11), who were undergoing abuse and neglect at their home in the countryside. Jordalisa and Manuel are both blind and Manuel could not walk or speak at that time. The children were living in extreme hunger and poverty, and Jordalisa was the caretaker of Manuel and their 3 younger siblings. Rosa was appalled and deeply saddened by the situation of these children. Although she wanted to help them, she could not because the orphanage where she worked would not accept disabled children. (Read more about Rosa’s story here.)

Rosa has since started a successful orphanage, but the success is not without challenge and, of course, expenses!  For example, 9 of the 14 children need to pay to go to school, since the local public schools do not accept kids without documents.  I am proposing that we all help send these kids to school.  $30 a month covers tuition, books, supplies, and lunch.  For 9 kids that adds up to $2700 a year.  It’s a lot of money for the orphanage to handle, which is where we come in.  Here’s a few numbers for you:

$30 - send one child to school for a month
$300 - send one child to school for a (ten month) school year

I could go through the cliche “it’s only a dollar a day” or 2 weeks worth of Dunkin Donuts, or a nice dinner 
out, or that new shirt you really shouldn’t buy anyway.  (I guess I just did the cliche, didn’t I? oops :))  But it’s a great cause, and it would make Kendra, Rosa and me very very happy and grateful.  

If 19 of us each give $30, we’ll send all 9 kids to school for a year!  How awesome would that be?  I’m all about turning lemons into lemonade, and this is a great way to continue to do so with my accident.  Will you join me? 

If you’d like to contribute, please respond to this email and mail checks made out to “Hogar Infantíl Visitación De Jesús” to my home address:
Sherri Lane
22 Suffolk St #2
Cambridge, MA 02139

Thank you all again so much for your interest in my recovery.  I am beyond grateful for your prayers, thoughts, and care.  We all have a ton to be thankful for, which is pretty nice to remember sometimes.  

Lots and lots of love,


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