<< 10:30 pm Friday, New Years Eve >>
Dear Family and Friends,
The past three days have brought a variety of highs and lows and plenty of hard work. Sherri has progressed significantly in terms of walking with her walker and even standing on her own - pretty close to "look Mom, no hands!" as she releases the walker and stands on her own. She's now in a routine of physical (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) in the morning and again in the afternoon. The PT folks work with her in bending and stretching her knees, ankles and toes and show her exercises she is to continue to work on during the day and evening. The OT therapists work more on specific tasks of her daily life such as how to put on socks, how to shower, or how to get in and out of the tub using a chair. At some point they'll no doubt begin to consider how to climb some stairs as Sherri lives on the second floor of her apartment.
Sherri is one of probably 40 patients on the 5th floor in the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Program. Most patients are quite a bit older than Sherri but not all. Sherri's current roommate is a few years younger and is also recovering from a car accident.
Sherri can now walk down the 25 yard hallway using her walker in a confident yet deliberate manner. The PT usually ties a sling under her foot up and around her leg so that her foot does not drop or droop while she walks. At the end of the hallway is a therapy gym-like room with various devices to help the process.
We are all encouraged with the progress Sherri is making and we're also keenly aware there's a long way to go. Moving between these two realities is a challenge both physically and also emotionally (we'll, I know it is for the Dad and I think for all of us).
Now that we are in Boston, Sherri has loved seeing quite a number of friends and colleagues in addition to family that have come by to visit. Thanks so much to everyone for your love and support along this journey.
Wendy and I are so grateful to the Lord for His faithfulness to our family. Thanks for your part in encouraging Sherri along the way and for your faith filled prayers.
Happy New Years,
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A note from Sherri
At 1:30 this afternoon the light turned green to go to Spaulding rehab. Sherri was told to be ready for the ambulance within 30 minutes and since then its been a blur of activity. More on that another time. Now here's an entry from Sherri:
From Sherri:
That being said, it has been a tough couple of weeks. I remember the accident well, but it seems like a distant dream now. I am much less overwhelmed by what happened than by how much still has to be done. My spirits are up and down - up when I look at what I have accomplished so far and down when I think about how far I still am from my normal life. I'm antsy to get out of the hospital and into rehab. While it has been so nice to spend all this time with my family in my cozy, decorated hospital room, I am ready to get better.
I figured the change of scenery would be a good excuse for me to surface and share a few thoughts. Thanks to my family for setting up this blog to keep you all informed. My family has been such an incredible blessing throughout this whole ordeal - I am so thankful for them. And again - I'm so grateful for all of you and your support - I can't express enough how much it helps. So stay tuned for chapter two. Hopefully it will be full of walking and progressing towards the lifestyle that I had always previously taken for granted.
Much love and gratitude,
Almost to rehab !
Hi All,
Sherri was ready yesterday to go to the rehab hospital in Boston. However, it was not to be. The primary delay factor was the foot of snow here in central Massachusetts. Other contributing factors included the battery of tests that were ordered up in response to a slight fever Sherri had Sunday night and the ever elusive final approval from the insurance company!
It's now Tuesday morning and expectation is high that she can transfer today. The Trauma Team of 6 came by a couple of hours ago and they have given Sherri a green light from their medical point of view - having coordinated with the vascular, orthopedic and plastics teams. We continue to await the final "go" at which point Sherri will proceed to Spaulding via ambulance.
From a practical point of view, Sherri is now walking from her bed from the "window" side of the room about 20 feet to the bathroom and then back. It's a big event for her and with the help of her walker and one staff person, these early steps are going well. She's doing this 3 times a day. Afterwards, she usually experiences an increase in general pain and her legs swell up, both of which are to be expected. In the evening and sometimes in the morning, she also experiences fairly significant shooting pains in her left leg and foot.
Last night was a tearful goodbye as Sherri's brother Nick said goodbye for now and he left Worcester early this morning to attend a conference "Radiate2010" in Baltimore.
By the way, some have asked about the address at Spaulding. Here it is:
Sherri Lane
c/o Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
125 Nashua Street
Boston, MA 02114
Watch for an update to the blog: http://sherrisrecovery.blogspot.com/
We continue to be grateful for your very tangible support and faith filled prayers in these days,
With thanks,
Sherri was ready yesterday to go to the rehab hospital in Boston. However, it was not to be. The primary delay factor was the foot of snow here in central Massachusetts. Other contributing factors included the battery of tests that were ordered up in response to a slight fever Sherri had Sunday night and the ever elusive final approval from the insurance company!
It's now Tuesday morning and expectation is high that she can transfer today. The Trauma Team of 6 came by a couple of hours ago and they have given Sherri a green light from their medical point of view - having coordinated with the vascular, orthopedic and plastics teams. We continue to await the final "go" at which point Sherri will proceed to Spaulding via ambulance.
From a practical point of view, Sherri is now walking from her bed from the "window" side of the room about 20 feet to the bathroom and then back. It's a big event for her and with the help of her walker and one staff person, these early steps are going well. She's doing this 3 times a day. Afterwards, she usually experiences an increase in general pain and her legs swell up, both of which are to be expected. In the evening and sometimes in the morning, she also experiences fairly significant shooting pains in her left leg and foot.
Last night was a tearful goodbye as Sherri's brother Nick said goodbye for now and he left Worcester early this morning to attend a conference "Radiate2010" in Baltimore.
By the way, some have asked about the address at Spaulding. Here it is:
Sherri Lane
c/o Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
125 Nashua Street
Boston, MA 02114
Watch for an update to the blog: http://sherrisrecovery.blogspot.com/
We continue to be grateful for your very tangible support and faith filled prayers in these days,
With thanks,
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Sherri continues to experience new progress and discover new challenges. Yesterday she used a walker to walk about 6 feet with the Occupational Therapist tracking closely along with her. During the evening hours, we played Uno, watched a church service online and then spent some time trying to get comfortable. Today she navigated her side of the room covering about 10 feet in total. This along with some prescribed exercise is enhancing her appetite while at the same time increasing the swelling in her left leg. It also means a few naps are much needed along the way!
This morning we continued our Christmas tradition by reading the Christmas story as found in Luke 2:1-20. Then we explored the contents of our stockings and had cinnamon buns for breakfast. Well, they were actually cinnamon bagel twists - but they fit the bill just fine. A good friend and work colleague of Sherri's joined us mid morning and in the early afternoon a sumptuous feast prepared by Mary and brought in by Fred enabled us to have a delectable Christmas dinner replete with pork loin, stuffing, mashed cauliflower, gravy, dinner rolls, applesauce, and carrots. Festive Christmas dinner china was also provided and we all enjoyed the meal immensely. Thank you Mary and Fred for so much you've done. Later in the afternoon, more family came by for a relaxed and very nice visit.
This evening we are settled in for a quiet evening. Sherri is back to her bed and mostly comfortable, with the CPM ever running.
It's been two weeks since Sherri's been here at U Mass Memorial (UMM). We've all become much more aware of those around us who have such great needs both here at UMM and in other places around the world. Some we know personally and others we've just heard their stories. Wendy and I are grateful on this Christmas night that there is One who came many years ago to relate and redeem those of us - indeed all of us - who are in great need.
Merry Christmas,
With love and so many thanks for your continued love and prayer support.
This morning we continued our Christmas tradition by reading the Christmas story as found in Luke 2:1-20. Then we explored the contents of our stockings and had cinnamon buns for breakfast. Well, they were actually cinnamon bagel twists - but they fit the bill just fine. A good friend and work colleague of Sherri's joined us mid morning and in the early afternoon a sumptuous feast prepared by Mary and brought in by Fred enabled us to have a delectable Christmas dinner replete with pork loin, stuffing, mashed cauliflower, gravy, dinner rolls, applesauce, and carrots. Festive Christmas dinner china was also provided and we all enjoyed the meal immensely. Thank you Mary and Fred for so much you've done. Later in the afternoon, more family came by for a relaxed and very nice visit.
This evening we are settled in for a quiet evening. Sherri is back to her bed and mostly comfortable, with the CPM ever running.
It's been two weeks since Sherri's been here at U Mass Memorial (UMM). We've all become much more aware of those around us who have such great needs both here at UMM and in other places around the world. Some we know personally and others we've just heard their stories. Wendy and I are grateful on this Christmas night that there is One who came many years ago to relate and redeem those of us - indeed all of us - who are in great need.
Merry Christmas,
With love and so many thanks for your continued love and prayer support.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Final Surgery - A Success!
Sherri is back and sleeping in her room after heading out at 6:30 this morning for the Docs to close up her left calf. The good news is the skin and muscle look really good and they were able to pull the incision closed without need for a skin graft. When Sherri gets over to rehab, it will be better not to have to work around the nuisance of a skin graft. The surgeon installed a small drain under the skin and was upbeat and optimistic that the swelling will continue to diminish. Pain in her left leg is not significant as she has reduced feeling in her leg. The doc explained that the nerve will continue to re-juvenate from the point of injury and, over time, work down the leg to the foot.
All is very quiet right now. Hopefully she'll awaken soon, have a good appetite, and be ready to journey over to the nearest chair!!
Love to all,
All is very quiet right now. Hopefully she'll awaken soon, have a good appetite, and be ready to journey over to the nearest chair!!
Love to all,
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Getting Out of Bed
Just a short update tonight. The past couple of days have been fairly uneventful. No surgeries and no re-wraps of the vacuum assisted closure (described last time). However, Sherri has gotten out of her bed both days and shuffled a couple of steps to the chair. To accomplish this she's had a Nurse or PCA supporting her under each arm pit. She's getting better at this short journey that requires a great deal of physical and mental exertion. There's a great pic of Sherri attached below. Other than Sherri's amazing presence, you can see the proximity of her chair to the bed.
Sherri's left leg is still somewhat swollen and it also tingles, has sharp pains, feels hot or feels just plain normal. It's a jumbled mix of sensations. The sensation in her foot is mostly unchanged however she does experience some definite yet dull pain. Somehow I'm reminded of the importance of pain as Phillip Yancey pointed out so amazingly in his book "Where is God when it hurts". Sherri's pain may be a precursor to or even a part of the healing process for which we are all praying.
A couple of key events are coming up: Tomorrow, the chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery will be closing up the remaining open fasciotomy. This may involve a skin graft to actually get the wound covered but should be a fairly "straightforward" procedure. Sherri very much wants this closed up but is nevertheless concerned that all the details go well. Hopefully the Docs will be able to follow through on their plans and complete the surgery tomorrow morning.
Another upcoming event will be the transfer from U Mass Memorial to an inpatient rehab facility. At this time it's looking like Sherri will move to the Spaulding Rehab Hospital in Boston where she'll begin in earnest her recovery and rehabilitation. It's looking like Monday or Tuesday for the move. Details are still emerging and we ask for continued insight and Godly wisdom in selecting the best place for the next phase of treatments.
We are all so grateful for your continued faithfulness in praying for Sherri and cheering her along.
Blessings to all in this Season of Advent.

Sherri's left leg is still somewhat swollen and it also tingles, has sharp pains, feels hot or feels just plain normal. It's a jumbled mix of sensations. The sensation in her foot is mostly unchanged however she does experience some definite yet dull pain. Somehow I'm reminded of the importance of pain as Phillip Yancey pointed out so amazingly in his book "Where is God when it hurts". Sherri's pain may be a precursor to or even a part of the healing process for which we are all praying.
A couple of key events are coming up: Tomorrow, the chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery will be closing up the remaining open fasciotomy. This may involve a skin graft to actually get the wound covered but should be a fairly "straightforward" procedure. Sherri very much wants this closed up but is nevertheless concerned that all the details go well. Hopefully the Docs will be able to follow through on their plans and complete the surgery tomorrow morning.
Another upcoming event will be the transfer from U Mass Memorial to an inpatient rehab facility. At this time it's looking like Sherri will move to the Spaulding Rehab Hospital in Boston where she'll begin in earnest her recovery and rehabilitation. It's looking like Monday or Tuesday for the move. Details are still emerging and we ask for continued insight and Godly wisdom in selecting the best place for the next phase of treatments.
We are all so grateful for your continued faithfulness in praying for Sherri and cheering her along.
Blessings to all in this Season of Advent.
Monday, December 20, 2010
More Ups and Downs
If yesterday was relatively quiet, today was just the opposite! Sunday began by finding Sherri sitting up pretty well in her bed with wide and sparkling eyes. Wow, was that ever a treat!!! In the afternoon, she sat on the side of the bed and touched both feet to the ground - another first. Yet it was a challenging day with some discomfort, occaisonal discouragement and quite a bit of tiredness mixed in.
Today, Monday, was a busy day with the Docs making their rounds first thing in the morning and Sherri interacting well with many questions. By late morning, the Occupational Therapist arrived and helped Sherri sit up, edge over to the side of the bed, get out of bed and somehow sit in the chair that was 2 feet away. She then sat there for about 45 minutes (pretty much exhausted) before the big and fairly tumultuous journey back over to her bed. It was a big accomplishment!
Early this afternoon, a vascular Doc and associate came in to inspect her fasciotomy. Sherri took great interest and watched just about every second of the unwrapping, peeling back of the "saran wrap" covering, removal of the foam and gauze and lastly a couple of biopsies. (Sherri agreed to participate in a research study). The team confirmed that they will move to close up the fasciotomy on Thursday. It's possible a skin graft may be required to enable the closure - that decision will be made during the procedure on Thursday.
A real highlight for Sherri has been a few special visitors. It's been fantastic to have Nick here coming along side Sherri. Both family and friends have coordinated with Sherri's Mom (the gatekeeper) and all the visits have been a great change of pace and have energized her so much.
Wendy and I continue to be keenly aware of God's astounding and undeserved grace in these days. We are in the midst of many challenging and difficult medical situations here at the UMass Memorial Med Center and know so many of you have been and are going through challenging times. These are some of the key reasons why we are grateful for this season of Advent.
We continue to appreciate so much your prayers, care and love,
Today, Monday, was a busy day with the Docs making their rounds first thing in the morning and Sherri interacting well with many questions. By late morning, the Occupational Therapist arrived and helped Sherri sit up, edge over to the side of the bed, get out of bed and somehow sit in the chair that was 2 feet away. She then sat there for about 45 minutes (pretty much exhausted) before the big and fairly tumultuous journey back over to her bed. It was a big accomplishment!
Early this afternoon, a vascular Doc and associate came in to inspect her fasciotomy. Sherri took great interest and watched just about every second of the unwrapping, peeling back of the "saran wrap" covering, removal of the foam and gauze and lastly a couple of biopsies. (Sherri agreed to participate in a research study). The team confirmed that they will move to close up the fasciotomy on Thursday. It's possible a skin graft may be required to enable the closure - that decision will be made during the procedure on Thursday.
A real highlight for Sherri has been a few special visitors. It's been fantastic to have Nick here coming along side Sherri. Both family and friends have coordinated with Sherri's Mom (the gatekeeper) and all the visits have been a great change of pace and have energized her so much.
Wendy and I continue to be keenly aware of God's astounding and undeserved grace in these days. We are in the midst of many challenging and difficult medical situations here at the UMass Memorial Med Center and know so many of you have been and are going through challenging times. These are some of the key reasons why we are grateful for this season of Advent.
We continue to appreciate so much your prayers, care and love,
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Continuing Progress
It's been a week since the accident and Sherri is progressing each day now. She's even getting a bit of appetite back! On the medical front,the real big news is she has detected some tingling in her left foot. This is a great development and we're grateful to the Lord for this progress.
Yesterday, the Occupational Therapist had her touch her right foot to the floor. While she hasn't put her weight on it yet Sherri navigated herself really well.
On Monday, the plastics team will investigate her faciotomy once again and hopefully this will enable a date to be set to close it up. The timing of this depends a lot on whether the swelling has sufficiently diminished. She'll also begin some more intentional rehab work on Monday or Tuesday.
Sherri continues to be awake and alert most of the day with a good nap thrown in here and there. Pain management remains a top priority and this is still being worked. For example, last night her pain meds essentially ran out and when she woke up she was in a great deal of pain. So today they are switching her over to a 12 hour base plan which they continue to administer with or without Sherri's request. Over and above that Sherri must ask for the pain meds and we are all keeping task of the 3 hour interval.
As we move forward in this process, we are glad to be together as a family. Wendy's work at Church of the Redeemer has been graciously covered for now by her wonderful and supportive colleagues. Nick finished his semester at the University of MD and is officially on break, and I have rejoined the family and will be here for the full week ahead. And so many family and friends are near in spirit a few even in person! Surely the Lord is good.
Future updates maybe sent on a less frequent basis. As noted previously, be sure to check the blog Nick set up where you can learn of Sherri's recovery as well as send a message of encouragement. His blog also has links [to the right] to ACCION USA and Amigos de Las Americas for those wishing to contribute in lieu of flowers etc. to organizations Sherri is passionate about.
Thanks once again for your love, support and prayers on Sherri's behalf.
Yesterday, the Occupational Therapist had her touch her right foot to the floor. While she hasn't put her weight on it yet Sherri navigated herself really well.
On Monday, the plastics team will investigate her faciotomy once again and hopefully this will enable a date to be set to close it up. The timing of this depends a lot on whether the swelling has sufficiently diminished. She'll also begin some more intentional rehab work on Monday or Tuesday.
Sherri continues to be awake and alert most of the day with a good nap thrown in here and there. Pain management remains a top priority and this is still being worked. For example, last night her pain meds essentially ran out and when she woke up she was in a great deal of pain. So today they are switching her over to a 12 hour base plan which they continue to administer with or without Sherri's request. Over and above that Sherri must ask for the pain meds and we are all keeping task of the 3 hour interval.
As we move forward in this process, we are glad to be together as a family. Wendy's work at Church of the Redeemer has been graciously covered for now by her wonderful and supportive colleagues. Nick finished his semester at the University of MD and is officially on break, and I have rejoined the family and will be here for the full week ahead. And so many family and friends are near in spirit a few even in person! Surely the Lord is good.
Future updates maybe sent on a less frequent basis. As noted previously, be sure to check the blog Nick set up where you can learn of Sherri's recovery as well as send a message of encouragement. His blog also has links [to the right] to ACCION USA and Amigos de Las Americas for those wishing to contribute in lieu of flowers etc. to organizations Sherri is passionate about.
Thanks once again for your love, support and prayers on Sherri's behalf.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Visitors, Gifts, Etc.
First of all, thanks so much to those who have asked about visiting Sherri. She loves her friends more than anything, but right now it is too exhausting for her to have company. We will certainly keep you all updated about her ability to have visitors.
A lot of people have asked about the possibility of sending gifts or flowers. While Sherri is very appreciative of these thoughts, she has asked that instead donations be made to either ACCION USA or Amigos de las Americas. These non-profit organizations have been a big part of Sherri's life and are both very meaningful to her. Click on the links in this post to learn more about the organizations, or use the links in the sidebar to the right to make a donation. Gifts may be made in honor of Sherri Lane.
For the time being, Sherri can receive mail at her hospital address:
Sherri Lane
UMass Memorial Medical Center
55 Lake Avenue
Worcester, MA 01655
Sherri has been so grateful to hear about all of your love and concern for her. Our whole family has been incredibly blessed by all of your encouragement. We really are so thankful for amazing friends and family!
A lot of people have asked about the possibility of sending gifts or flowers. While Sherri is very appreciative of these thoughts, she has asked that instead donations be made to either ACCION USA or Amigos de las Americas. These non-profit organizations have been a big part of Sherri's life and are both very meaningful to her. Click on the links in this post to learn more about the organizations, or use the links in the sidebar to the right to make a donation. Gifts may be made in honor of Sherri Lane.
For the time being, Sherri can receive mail at her hospital address:
Sherri Lane
UMass Memorial Medical Center
55 Lake Avenue
Worcester, MA 01655
Sherri has been so grateful to hear about all of your love and concern for her. Our whole family has been incredibly blessed by all of your encouragement. We really are so thankful for amazing friends and family!
Out of ICU!
Sherri continues to make progress. This morning she had a surgery on her left calf to perform a "debridement" or clean-up from Saturday's surgery. On Saturday, her leg had swollen considerably and there was a problem with blood flow. So two incisions were made from the top of her calf to the bottom on both sides. Those two incisions have been open and draining with the use of a VAC (vacuum assisted closure) dressing. Today, in addition to the debridement, they closed up one of the incisions. This is another step forward. The remaining incision has been redressed, again using the VAC method. The outlook is to close it early next week.
Another highlight is the move out of ICU today! It took most of the day as she was held in the recovery area for about 7 hours while waiting for a room. Wendy was able to be with her but this is the reality sometimes at a busy hospital. And, this is Sherri's world at this time. Now she's in a shared room with another woman whom I've not yet met.
There was not much news regarding her left foot today and this is an area where we all need wisdom - in addition to healing! The interconnected complexities of blood, nerves, and muscle mean that one person - even an expert skilled doctor is not certain about the exact situation or how to proceed. At least this is my impression. So it is good Sherri is out of the ICU and the docs can now consult with one another and really focus on this foot. Pray for wisdom for Sherri and her parents about the right people to talk to and the best questions to ask.
Sherri is really looking forward to her brother Nick coming to see her tomorrow.
Some have asked about sending flowers and such. Sherri would prefer a different approach - and besides - she has a small room. She'd like anyone interested to consider instead of flower and such, a contribution to either ACCION USA or Amigos de Las Americas. Further information will be provided tomorrow in this regard.
Many thanks to all for your prayers, love and support.
Another highlight is the move out of ICU today! It took most of the day as she was held in the recovery area for about 7 hours while waiting for a room. Wendy was able to be with her but this is the reality sometimes at a busy hospital. And, this is Sherri's world at this time. Now she's in a shared room with another woman whom I've not yet met.
There was not much news regarding her left foot today and this is an area where we all need wisdom - in addition to healing! The interconnected complexities of blood, nerves, and muscle mean that one person - even an expert skilled doctor is not certain about the exact situation or how to proceed. At least this is my impression. So it is good Sherri is out of the ICU and the docs can now consult with one another and really focus on this foot. Pray for wisdom for Sherri and her parents about the right people to talk to and the best questions to ask.
Sherri is really looking forward to her brother Nick coming to see her tomorrow.
Some have asked about sending flowers and such. Sherri would prefer a different approach - and besides - she has a small room. She'd like anyone interested to consider instead of flower and such, a contribution to either ACCION USA or Amigos de Las Americas. Further information will be provided tomorrow in this regard.
Many thanks to all for your prayers, love and support.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Leg Bending and Email
Sherri had a very good day today. She was very alert and conversational this morning and again, later this afternoon. We had a good report that she sat up on the side of the bed (didn't bend her knees as the doc held them). Sherri actively participated in the conversation with the ICU attending doctor.
The "leg bending machine" is now aalternated from leg to leg about every four hours on a continuous basis. She is tolerating this pretty well. There continues to be quite a bit of pain - especially about an hour and a half after the last dose of medicine.
We were able to read her some text messages and emails and she is so appreciative of everyone's love and support.
Sherri's vitals are good and strong; she's off oxygen (as well as the ventilator a couple days ago) and will probably be moved out of ICU tonight or tomorrow. Thanks be to God!
Please ccontinue to pray for her left foot as it remains without feeling.
All said, it's been a really postive day and we are grateful.
With thanksgiving,
The "leg bending machine" is now aalternated from leg to leg about every four hours on a continuous basis. She is tolerating this pretty well. There continues to be quite a bit of pain - especially about an hour and a half after the last dose of medicine.
We were able to read her some text messages and emails and she is so appreciative of everyone's love and support.
Sherri's vitals are good and strong; she's off oxygen (as well as the ventilator a couple days ago) and will probably be moved out of ICU tonight or tomorrow. Thanks be to God!
Please ccontinue to pray for her left foot as it remains without feeling.
All said, it's been a really postive day and we are grateful.
With thanksgiving,
A short update this evening. Sherri made real progress today, although I'm certain from her vantage point she wouldn't say it much less feel it. However, she began the very earlierst stage of excercising her legs with the help of a machine placed under her leg. It very gently lifts then lowers her knee - slowly and steady - again and again occurring steadliy over the course of four hours under her right leg. The left leg is next but has yet to be attempted. Pain is a real challenge and while the medical community is ready to provide pain medicine there is a trade off with her being deeply drowsy which in turn causes her to breathe in a shallow mannner.
Earlier this afternoon, Sherri had a CTA (basically a CT scan with the infusion of a liquid inject into the vein to circulate into the body.) This enables the docs to see the effectiveness of the blood flow in Sherri's left leg. Preliminary results indicate very good flow and suggest that the "dead muscle" found in last nights surgery was a result of the Saturday injury - not something that occurred subsequently. This would be very welcome news.
Thanks again for all your love and prayers.
Earlier this afternoon, Sherri had a CTA (basically a CT scan with the infusion of a liquid inject into the vein to circulate into the body.) This enables the docs to see the effectiveness of the blood flow in Sherri's left leg. Preliminary results indicate very good flow and suggest that the "dead muscle" found in last nights surgery was a result of the Saturday injury - not something that occurred subsequently. This would be very welcome news.
Thanks again for all your love and prayers.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Successful Surgery, Long Road Ahead
We are anxiously awating to see Sherri, once she comes out of the recovery area. The Orthapedic surgeon came out to visit with us about an hour ago and shared with us that she was able to place a "nail" (the titanium rod) into both of Sherri's femurs. The surgeon was pleased with the result and this is a significant step forward. The process was diffucult, however, because the trauma to both femurs was so substantial. Just the thought of what is involved in placing the nails into Sherri's femurs bring me to understand why the doc said she'll experience alot of pain in the next few days as a result of this precedure. But fundamentally, her femur bones have been "set" and she can now begin the process of healing in this part of her body.
While the surgeon was conducting the operation, she had to redress the lower left leg. I haven't described well the details about her calf but suffice it to say that this is the area that was opened up during Saturday's surgery and still remains open. During the redressing, the surgeon could see and confirmed there was a small amount of muscle that was dead and this was removed. Further work will need to be done in this area by the vascular team. This is a setback and remains a concern. More surgeries will be required.
I'm finding myself to be quite emotional now as I contemplate all that Sherri has before her. We are grateful to God that he made Sherri the type of person that will take hold of this challenge and fight hard to overcome it. Thank you so much for your love and support along the way. May I ask you to join in for the long haul with us on this?
Wendy and I are looking to the source of all strength, indeed the Almighty One, to provide encouragement, endurance and healing to Sherri in the days ahead.
Grateful for you,
While the surgeon was conducting the operation, she had to redress the lower left leg. I haven't described well the details about her calf but suffice it to say that this is the area that was opened up during Saturday's surgery and still remains open. During the redressing, the surgeon could see and confirmed there was a small amount of muscle that was dead and this was removed. Further work will need to be done in this area by the vascular team. This is a setback and remains a concern. More surgeries will be required.
I'm finding myself to be quite emotional now as I contemplate all that Sherri has before her. We are grateful to God that he made Sherri the type of person that will take hold of this challenge and fight hard to overcome it. Thank you so much for your love and support along the way. May I ask you to join in for the long haul with us on this?
Wendy and I are looking to the source of all strength, indeed the Almighty One, to provide encouragement, endurance and healing to Sherri in the days ahead.
Grateful for you,
Monday, December 13, 2010
Titanium Nails
Sherri is now in surgery - Wendy and I saw her off at 5:30. Beforehand we had a very good conversation with the Orthapedic and the Anesthesiologist. We were impressed very much by both.
The Orthapedic appears to be going the direction of the titaniam rods or nails, as they are called. The final decision will be made once they get in and see what they are dealing with. Also, the intention is to do both legs this evening but they'll also evaluate as they go and make the call on the second leg once they've finished the first. Expectation is for the surgery to last in the range of 6+ hours.
Sherri has been pretty lethargic today as she remains under the pain medication. Conversations last only a few short words before she drifts off.
Thanks for your continued love and prayers for Sherri.
The Orthapedic appears to be going the direction of the titaniam rods or nails, as they are called. The final decision will be made once they get in and see what they are dealing with. Also, the intention is to do both legs this evening but they'll also evaluate as they go and make the call on the second leg once they've finished the first. Expectation is for the surgery to last in the range of 6+ hours.
Sherri has been pretty lethargic today as she remains under the pain medication. Conversations last only a few short words before she drifts off.
Thanks for your continued love and prayers for Sherri.
Post Surgery Update
Sherri continues to be in the ICU and is resting under a lot of pain medicine. The 8 1/2 hour surgery on Sat was challenging expecially from the vascular side. Yesterday was a day spent watching her vitals and stabilizing the situation with her legs and circluation. The docs feel good about the progress.
The orthapedic surgeon team would like and is planning to take her into surgery this afternoon to "fix" her two broken femur bones. It's not yet decided if they will put a titanium rod down the center of each femur or affix a metal plate to the bone. It's possible that one side will be treated differently than the other.
Sherri continues to have no sensation in her left foot. The doctors feel good about the circulation to the lower leg and foot, however, there has been nerve damage. This morning a boot was strapped onto her foot so that it does not droop down out of place. Recovery for the left foot may take some considerable time. We continue to pray that Sherri will regain feeling and full motion in this foot quickly.
Thanks for your continued thoughts prayer and support along the way.
Now that I've figured out how to navigate through all manner of technical computer/network security, I hope to be a able to provide an update again this evening or tonight.
Wendy and I are grateful for the Lord's continuing provision and for you and your support.
The orthapedic surgeon team would like and is planning to take her into surgery this afternoon to "fix" her two broken femur bones. It's not yet decided if they will put a titanium rod down the center of each femur or affix a metal plate to the bone. It's possible that one side will be treated differently than the other.
Sherri continues to have no sensation in her left foot. The doctors feel good about the circulation to the lower leg and foot, however, there has been nerve damage. This morning a boot was strapped onto her foot so that it does not droop down out of place. Recovery for the left foot may take some considerable time. We continue to pray that Sherri will regain feeling and full motion in this foot quickly.
Thanks for your continued thoughts prayer and support along the way.
Now that I've figured out how to navigate through all manner of technical computer/network security, I hope to be a able to provide an update again this evening or tonight.
Wendy and I are grateful for the Lord's continuing provision and for you and your support.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Surgery Complications
Just after the last update Wendy called with a report from the vascular surgeon.
The surgeon painted a serious picture. They are concerned about the flow of blood to Sherri's left foot and lower leg. To rectify the lack of blood flow they took a long vein from her right leg and implanted it in her left leg. Until they are confident of success, they will leave both incisions open (probably for a day or two).
Sherri is heavily sedated and is being kept in a state of paralysis by the doctors. As a result, she's on a ventilator to ensure her breathing remains strong and steady.
I'll be heading up first thing tomorrow.
I'm concerned all the surgery will be a big surprise for Sherri and of course she will be facing a lengthy recovery period. Some of you have faced such times and more. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers - especially as the days move on.
Many thanks,
The surgeon painted a serious picture. They are concerned about the flow of blood to Sherri's left foot and lower leg. To rectify the lack of blood flow they took a long vein from her right leg and implanted it in her left leg. Until they are confident of success, they will leave both incisions open (probably for a day or two).
Sherri is heavily sedated and is being kept in a state of paralysis by the doctors. As a result, she's on a ventilator to ensure her breathing remains strong and steady.
I'll be heading up first thing tomorrow.
I'm concerned all the surgery will be a big surprise for Sherri and of course she will be facing a lengthy recovery period. Some of you have faced such times and more. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers - especially as the days move on.
Many thanks,
A Long Day
Thanks so much for your prayers and support for Sherri during this time. (my apologies for sending this as a blind copy)
Sherri's had a long day. She's been in surgery a number of hours and is still in the OR at 10pm eastern. The Orthopedic surgeon called after she was finished her part of the surgery and reported that she successfully installed "external fixators" on each leg. These external braces (along with associated pins and or screws) stabilize Sherri's legs and enable the Vascular surgeon to work on her left leg. This is taking quite a bit of time but Wendy just heard from a nurse that it is going well and the Doc wants to get it just right and won't stop until it is so. This procedure is addressing the lack of feeling Sherri had in her left foot today and hopefully is increasing the flow of blood to her lower leg and foot.
Wendy is now at the hospital and Sherri's good friend Amy and cousin Heather are arriving any minute.
Thanks for your many calls and texts both here and especially to Wendy. I'll be in touch again tomorrow.
In the meantime - keep praying!
With appreciation and love,
Sherri's had a long day. She's been in surgery a number of hours and is still in the OR at 10pm eastern. The Orthopedic surgeon called after she was finished her part of the surgery and reported that she successfully installed "external fixators" on each leg. These external braces (along with associated pins and or screws) stabilize Sherri's legs and enable the Vascular surgeon to work on her left leg. This is taking quite a bit of time but Wendy just heard from a nurse that it is going well and the Doc wants to get it just right and won't stop until it is so. This procedure is addressing the lack of feeling Sherri had in her left foot today and hopefully is increasing the flow of blood to her lower leg and foot.
Wendy is now at the hospital and Sherri's good friend Amy and cousin Heather are arriving any minute.
Thanks for your many calls and texts both here and especially to Wendy. I'll be in touch again tomorrow.
In the meantime - keep praying!
With appreciation and love,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The Accident
Our daughter Sherri was in an accident this morning as she and some colleagues were volunteering/working on a fundraiser grapefruit sale in Westboro, MA. Sherri is the Training Director for the Boston chapter of Amigos. She was standing next to a loading dock and a car accidentally hit her effectively trapping her against the cement wall. She has two broken femur bones and little feeling in her left foot.
She's in surgery now with both an orthopedic and vascular team tending to her.
Wendy has just arrived in Boston and should arrive at the hospital by 8:30pm.
Since the accident was in Westboro, Sherri was taken to the U Mass Memorial Hospital - University Campus in Worcester.
We would be grateful if you would join us in praying for Sherri's well being.
With thanks and love,
She's in surgery now with both an orthopedic and vascular team tending to her.
Wendy has just arrived in Boston and should arrive at the hospital by 8:30pm.
Since the accident was in Westboro, Sherri was taken to the U Mass Memorial Hospital - University Campus in Worcester.
We would be grateful if you would join us in praying for Sherri's well being.
With thanks and love,
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