First of all, thanks so much to those who have asked about visiting Sherri. She loves her friends more than anything, but right now it is too exhausting for her to have company. We will certainly keep you all updated about her ability to have visitors.
A lot of people have asked about the possibility of sending gifts or flowers. While Sherri is very appreciative of these thoughts, she has asked that instead donations be made to either ACCION USA or Amigos de las Americas. These non-profit organizations have been a big part of Sherri's life and are both very meaningful to her. Click on the links in this post to learn more about the organizations, or use the links in the sidebar to the right to make a donation. Gifts may be made in honor of Sherri Lane.
For the time being, Sherri can receive mail at her hospital address:
Sherri Lane
UMass Memorial Medical Center
55 Lake Avenue
Worcester, MA 01655
Sherri has been so grateful to hear about all of your love and concern for her. Our whole family has been incredibly blessed by all of your encouragement. We really are so thankful for amazing friends and family!
We are so thankful for every step in your recovery, Sherri! We will keep praying for you!
Pat and Jennifer