Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Almost to rehab !

Hi All,

Sherri was ready yesterday to go to the rehab hospital in Boston. However, it was not to be. The primary delay factor was the foot of snow here in central Massachusetts. Other contributing factors included the battery of tests that were ordered up in response to a slight fever Sherri had Sunday night and the ever elusive final approval from the insurance company!

It's now Tuesday morning and expectation is high that she can transfer today. The Trauma Team of 6 came by a couple of hours ago and they have given Sherri a green light from their medical point of view - having coordinated with the vascular, orthopedic and plastics teams. We continue to await the final "go" at which point Sherri will proceed to Spaulding via ambulance.

From a practical point of view, Sherri is now walking from her bed from the "window" side of the room about 20 feet to the bathroom and then back. It's a big event for her and with the help of her walker and one staff person, these early steps are going well. She's doing this 3 times a day. Afterwards, she usually experiences an increase in general pain and her legs swell up, both of which are to be expected. In the evening and sometimes in the morning, she also experiences fairly significant shooting pains in her left leg and foot.

Last night was a tearful goodbye as Sherri's brother Nick said goodbye for now and he left Worcester early this morning to attend a conference "Radiate2010" in Baltimore.

By the way, some have asked about the address at Spaulding. Here it is:

Sherri Lane
c/o Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
125 Nashua Street
Boston, MA 02114

Watch for an update to the blog: http://sherrisrecovery.blogspot.com/

We continue to be grateful for your very tangible support and faith filled prayers in these days,

With thanks,


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