Sherri's left leg is still somewhat swollen and it also tingles, has sharp pains, feels hot or feels just plain normal. It's a jumbled mix of sensations. The sensation in her foot is mostly unchanged however she does experience some definite yet dull pain. Somehow I'm reminded of the importance of pain as Phillip Yancey pointed out so amazingly in his book "Where is God when it hurts". Sherri's pain may be a precursor to or even a part of the healing process for which we are all praying.
A couple of key events are coming up: Tomorrow, the chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery will be closing up the remaining open fasciotomy. This may involve a skin graft to actually get the wound covered but should be a fairly "straightforward" procedure. Sherri very much wants this closed up but is nevertheless concerned that all the details go well. Hopefully the Docs will be able to follow through on their plans and complete the surgery tomorrow morning.
Another upcoming event will be the transfer from U Mass Memorial to an inpatient rehab facility. At this time it's looking like Sherri will move to the Spaulding Rehab Hospital in Boston where she'll begin in earnest her recovery and rehabilitation. It's looking like Monday or Tuesday for the move. Details are still emerging and we ask for continued insight and Godly wisdom in selecting the best place for the next phase of treatments.
We are all so grateful for your continued faithfulness in praying for Sherri and cheering her along.
Blessings to all in this Season of Advent.
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