Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Leg Bending and Email

Sherri had a very good day today. She was very alert and conversational this morning and again, later this afternoon. We had a good report that she sat up on the side of the bed (didn't bend her knees as the doc held them). Sherri actively participated in the conversation with the ICU attending doctor.

The "leg bending machine" is now aalternated from leg to leg about every four hours on a continuous basis. She is tolerating this pretty well. There continues to be quite a bit of pain - especially about an hour and a half after the last dose of medicine.

We were able to read her some text messages and emails and she is so appreciative of everyone's love and support.

Sherri's vitals are good and strong; she's off oxygen (as well as the ventilator a couple days ago) and will probably be moved out of ICU tonight or tomorrow. Thanks be to God!

Please ccontinue to pray for her left foot as it remains without feeling.

All said, it's been a really postive day and we are grateful.

With thanksgiving,



  1. Praise God for this great report today! Sherri we love you, all the Nieto's here and we are pressing in and standing strong in prayer for you as you continue your healing journey to complete recovery. Muchos besos y abrazos para ti con todo nuestro amor!

  2. Thank goodness!!! Sherri, you love to work out, right? Just think of it like that. We are continuing to pray and the group keeps getting larger to support you here in Maryland. We love you and pray for your total healing and restoration.

  3. This is all such wonderful news. Sherri, we're praying for you down here in Philly. Praying for miracles, and asking God to awe us with His healing power. Love you girl!

    ~Kristin (Minnick) Denton

  4. Good job Nick! Since I don't know Sherri (but do know her Mom and Dad!) it's great to see a pic. We're praying in the Andrew household too, but trusting she will come out of it with full mobility, and that the pain will be brief and mild!

  5. All of us in the Minneapolis/St. Paul chapter are wishing you well!

  6. We are struggling in our thoughts and prayers for this severe trial you are fighting. Please know how deeply saddened we were when we first heard about this horrible accident. We will continue to pray earnestly for Sherri and you all in the days to come. Love Sherri and Dimitri
